A scientific-practical workshop “DSinGIS: Geoinformatics” had been held Within the in Nukus whithin framework of the international project Erasmus+.
On May 4, 2019, the Karakalpak State University hosted a scientific-practical and dissemination workshop “The work done within the framework of the international project DSinGIS: Doctoral degree in Geoinformatics” for the Erasmus+ program for 2017-2020. Heads and staffs of the Karakalpak State University – professors, young scientists, doctoral students, masters and students and national manager of the international project “DSinGIS: PhD in Geoinformatics” M.Reymov invited leading experts from “Uzdaverloyiha” State Research Institute.

Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak State University Ya.Ametov opened the scientific-practical workshop. In his speech, he depicted important role of the DSinGIS project, which promotes spatial sciences teaching at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak State University, in a synergy with other national and international projects and innovations.
Then O.Erejepov, a leading specialist of Karakalpakstan branch of the Uzdaverloyiha Center, made a presentation “Current Affairs in the Division, Cooperation with Foreign Higher Education Institutions and Future Plans”. He described perspectives for the future collaborations with partner universities in the DSinGIS project and emphasized the need for more effective cooperation.

Coordinator of the project at the Karakalpak State University, Polat Reymov made a report on the work carried out in the Karakalpak State University within the framework of the DSinGIS project. In his report, he outlined the goals and objectives of the project, as well as how the organizational issues in the project were shaped. He elucidated the procedure for the arrangement of the two-month advanced training courses in foreign partner universities for the doctoral students. More detailed information about the participants in the professional development had been provided also.

In addition, P. Reymov briefed on the main goals and objectives of the project and emphasized the importance of the President’s Resolution No. PQ-3151 of 27 July 2017 “On measures to further enhance the participation of sectors and sectors of the economy in improving the quality of higher education specialists”. “It is necessary to focus on further strengthening cooperation between industrial enterprises and higher education institutions in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks specified in the Resolution.

The project participant Ya.Khudaybergenov, assistant of the Department of Geography of the Karakalpak State University, gave an information about his experience of scientific research in the EU higher education system “Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development” and answered some scientific and practical questions from participants. He presented his illustrated report on the participation of the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in international projects and the development of basic PhD.
Next reporter, Mamanbek Reymov, a Ph.D. in EkoGAT Center, provided a presentation on the topic “Work and future plans of DSinGIS project”. He observed new PhD program launched by DSinGIS, jointly organized by the few universities, on the creation of up-to-date learning programs in 18 extended Geoinformatics courses, as well as use of the and the Module system for the advanced training. These learning materials will be available for every researcher and university staff member interested in these courses. In addition, the project will open Uzbek Research and Development Center and separate E-Learning Centers for all the partner universities inf Uzbekistan, with all necessary IT equipment, geoinformatics equipment at the expense of the project, to respond to questions raised by the participants and their particular research needs. He also provided information on the scientific conferences on geoinformatics that had been held within the framework of the project and encouraged all participants to participate in future conferences with their research articles.

Dissemination event was finished by thee presentation of th the chief engineer of the Karakalpakstan branch of the Uzdaverloyiha Center, R.Genjebaev. He gave a report “The advantages of using modern information technologies in the of land resources management”.In the second part of the seminar PhD students from the Uzbek State Research and Design Institute for Land Management “O’ZDAVYERLOYIHA” presented information about their research topics.