In order to provide an opportunity for face-to-face discussions and presentations, an additional GI conference has been decided to be held at TIIAME, Tashkent under the name GI 2021 “Supporting sustainable development by GIST” in 27-29 January, 2020, as a joint event with the Final Meeting.
Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, these events also had to be held online. TIIAME provided a Zoom platform for more than 500 registered participants. The presentations and discussions were translated into Uzbek, Russian and English by simultaneous interpreters.
Key topics of the conference were:
- GIS for regional Sustainable development – 3 papers;
- GIS for management in the field of environmental protection – 4 papers;

- GIS in agriculture – 4 papers;
- Geoinformatics in geodetic operations – 3 papers;
- New trends and technologies in cadastre and land management – 3 ppts;
- Professional and further education in the field of geoinformatics – 4 ppts;

- GIS in Mechanization and Automatization of Agriculture and Water Resources – 4 ppts.

All papers were peer-reviewed and published in the E3S Web of Conferences (Volume 227) at
For more information visit the conference website: