Originally, the Final DSinGIS Conference has been planned to be combined with the Annual GISCA 2020 and InterCarto, InterGIS, SilkGIS under the topic „Applied Geoinformatics for Sustainable Development” at TIIAME. Due to the pandemic the confrence is held in online form in 1-3 June 2020. For further details see: http://intercarto.msu.ru/jour/index.php?lang=en
While unfortunately the original plans for an on-site gathering of the geospatial community in Tashkent could not be implemented, the virtual conference format allowed for a much broader participation. Around 20 live presentations (for details see https://acagiscience-zgis.hub.arcgis.com) provided ample starting points for synchronous and follow-up discussions, with the freely available session recordings registering hundreds of views since then. The proceedings were published at (http://intercarto.msu.ru/jour) in partnership with InterCarto, some selected papers edited into a special issue of the International Journal for Geoinformatics.
Planning for GISCA 2021 already is underway for May 30 – June 2, aiming at a hybrid format with coordinated local on-site conferences in several cities, all live streamed into an integrated experience for participants sharing the common interest in Geoinformatics with a Central Asia focus.